XIII ULEPICC 2023 Congress: “Inequality and Concentration”.


“Inequality in the access, use and appropriation of ICTs in the face of the economic and political concentration of transnational corporations” is the general theme of the XIII International Congress of the Latin Union of Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture (ULEPICC).

The event, which begins this Monday, October 23 and runs through Wednesday, October 25, will be held at the Universidad Diego Portales and will include the participation of NUDOS alternate director, Teresa Correa; and NUDOS doctoral thesis student, Marco Jaramillo.

“In this framework ULEPICC wants to develop analysis and proposals around the issue of inequality in the face of concentration of wealth and the possibilities of use and appropriation of digital technology,” they say on the website of the congress.

More information at: https://ulepicc.org/xiii-congreso-internacional-ulepicc-chile/
