NUDOS Webinar on digital violence


A webinar on digital violence organized by the Millennium Nucleus on Digital Inequalities and Opportunities (NUDOS) will be held on August 23rd. Leading academic and social experts will discuss the multiple dimensions of digital violence and its impact on the mental health of different population groups.

The event will begin at 10:00 and will be moderated by Teresa Correa, alternate director of NUDOS and academic at Universidad Diego Portales. Over the course of an hour, critical issues ranging from online aggression to the gender implications of digital violence, as well as the psychological effects that this problem has on adolescents and young people, will be addressed.

The webinar will feature the participation of:

Raimundo Frei, associate researcher at NUDOS, who will open the discussion with a presentation on digital violence and digital aggressiveness, exploring who are the most affected people and how they face this reality.

Jorge Gaete, principal investigator of the Millennium Nucleus to Improve the Mental Health of Adolescents and Youth (Imhay), who will address the psychological effects of digital violence and how it affects the emotional, academic and social development of young people.

Cecilia Ananías, director of Amaranta ONG, who will discuss the Digital Violence Bill currently under discussion, focusing on how digital violence disproportionately impacts women and people from the LGBTQ+ community, and what aspects are still pending in the legislation.

The event will culminate with an open discussion space where participants will be able to raise questions and reflections. This webinar is a unique opportunity to deepen understanding of the challenges posed by digital violence and to learn first-hand about initiatives that seek to address them from an inclusive, mental health-focused perspective.

Registration and Participation

The webinar is free and open to the public. Interested parties can register through the following link:
