Sergio Toro holds a PhD in Political Science from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Director of the Information Center for Democracy UDEC, Principal Researcher of the Millennium Nucleus on Digital Inequalities and Opportunities, Full Professor of the School of Government of the Universidad Mayor and Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Political Science of the Universidad de Concepción. His research topics are the logic of representation in Latin American political systems and the science of information for public policies. In both subjects, he was responsible for internationals (UNDP, IDB) and nationals (FONDECYT, FONDEF, etc.) projects. His works have been published in the Journal of Legislative Studies, Electoral Studies, European Journal of Political Economy, Latin American Research Bulletin, World Political Science Review, Journal of Political Science, among others. He was a researcher at the Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN) and consultant for the United Nations Development Program in Chile (UNDP). He was elected as President of the Chilean Association of Political Science (ACCP) for the period 2014-2016 and has been Visiting Scholar at universities in Spain and the United States.